College For Kids Spring 2025

This career exploration-focused camp, offers middle school-aged students the opportunity to choose one major area of study to focus on throughout the week, culminating in a Campers Showcase the final day of camp where they can present what they have learned to their families and friends. Campers have the opportunity to meet and learn from experts in the field, as well as access high-tech labs, gaining meaningful hands-on experience.

Recreation will be included in the day - gym shoes are mandatory for participation. Crocs, slides, slippers etc. will not be allowed in the gymnasium.

Please complete and submit this application to be eligible to participate in the College for Kids Program.

For more information, contact School of Continuing Education at

General Information


  • Triton College


  • Monday, March 24, 2025 – Thursday, March 27, 2025


  • 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Program Cost:

  • $250

Program Fees:

  • $50 registration fee*
    *50 dollar registration fee to be paid at time of registration

Campers Showcase:

  • Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 11:30 a.m.

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Descriptions for Majors



College For Kids Spring Application

* = required

Student Information

Health/Medical History

Parent/Guardian Information

Select Major

Select 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice for Major

** Please Note **
Students are required to select a major study. Each class has limited seating. Students will be placed in selected courses on a first come, first served basis. Thank you for your patience and understanding during the enrollment period.

Emergency Contact Information

Signature Agreements

To verify and complete the submission of this application the parent/guardian must complete the parent/guardian signature and date information for the following agreements.

This form will not be considered valid without the required verification(s).

School District 97 Hold Harmless

I consent to my student’s participation in the College for Kids Spring Break program which includes career and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) exploration programming at Triton College from March 24, 2025 to March 27, 2025. I further agree and acknowledge the following, with respect to my student’s participation in the Middle School Explore program:

-Students are expected to comply with applicable District 97 policies and procedures, including the Student Code of Conduct and Effective Student Behavior Handbook at all times including during and while being transported to Triton College programming.

-District 97 may require your student to remain on or return to campus at any time during the career exploration program (such as in the event of an emergency requiring the student’s return to campus).

-District 97 is responsible for transporting students to and from Triton College and will support onsite supervision while students are at Triton College.

I understand the risks associated with my student participating in the STEM/ career exploration program at Triton College and acknowledge that District 97 is not responsible for any accidents, injuries, damages or other liabilities, whether to person or property or otherwise, including serious injury or death, that arise out of or are related to my student’s participation in the programs at Triton College, whether as a result of actions, inactions or negligence on the part of my student or others or the condition of facilities, equipment, or areas involved in the program.

I agree to assume all responsibility for any and all medical expenses incurred in connection with my student’s participation in the STEM/career exploration program at Triton College and agree to release and hold harmless District 97 from any and all incidents, injuries, damages or liabilities, whether to person or property or otherwise, that arise out of or are related to or are in any way connected with student’s participation in this program. I further understand that my student may need to receive emergency medical treatment for any illness or emergencies that occur in connection with the STEM/career exploration program and hereby waive all claims against District 97 and its employees resulting from any actions with respect to the administration of such emergency medical treatment.

I agree that I will indemnify and hold harmless District 97 from and against all liabilities, losses, penalties, damages, and expenses, including costs and attorney’s fees, arising out of any third-party claims relating to or resulting from my student’s participation in the Triton College STEM/ career exploration program.

I agree to comply with all requirements set by Triton College and timely complete all requests for information by Triton College.

By typing my name below, I acknowledge that this release includes a release of District 97 from liability, that I have had the opportunity to review the terms and seek assistance in understanding their legal significance, and my consent is freely and voluntarily given.

*Please note this form contains a waiver and release of claims, affecting your legal rights.

Triton College Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement *

The undersigned further expressly agree(s) that consideration of the foregoing and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, to indemnify, save, and hold harmless and defend, COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT NO. 504. COUNTY OF COOK AND STATE OF ILLINOIS (TRITON COLLEGE), and it’s Board Members, and the officers, employees therof, against all damages, losses, costs and expenses and attorneys fees in any manner caused by, arising from, incidental to and/or connected with or growing out of such participation.

I, the undersigned, hereby expressly consents and agrees that my child may participate in the 2025 Spring Break College for Kids session from March 24, 2025 to March 27, 2025.

Parent/Guardian Agreement Form

The undersigned affirmatively states that participation is in good health and is under no medical restrictions which would inhibit participation in said activity.

The undersigned agrees to forever waive and relinquish all claims participant or the undersigned might have as a result of the participants participation in the activity. The undersigned further agrees to forever release and discharge the college, its officers, agents, trustees, and employees against any and all claims for losses, damages, judgements, claims, expenses, costs and liabilities with the undersigned or participants may have as a result of participation in the activity.

The undersigned recognizes and acknowledges that there are inherent risks in the participation in the above referenced activity which may result in serious bodily injury or death. In consideration of said participants, the undersigned agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Triton College, it’s officers, agents, trustees, and employees including reasonable attorney fees and expenses, cause by, arising from, incidental to, connected with or growing out of such participation.

During the course of the activity, in case of medical emergency, the undersigned hereby authorizes any local hospital, doctor, or other licensed medical practitioner, as well as emergency treatment personnel, to take whatever action necessary to address the medical emergency. If the undersigned is present during the activity, the undersigned shall retail the right to make all medically related decisions regarding the participant.

The undersigned certifies that the participant has health insurance coverage and the undersigned agrees that in the event medical treatment is rendered, said insurance shall be considered primary.

If any provision of the agreement or part thereof is ruled unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the agreement shall be in full force and effect.

I have read the above and understand it. I enter into this agreement as my free and voluntary act.

I, as a parent or legal guardian of the participant do hereby express the participant to participate in the College For Kids Spring Program from March 24, 2025 to March 27, 2025.

Consent and Release

I hereby authorize and give my consent to Triton College, Cook County, Illinois, to film or videotape my child’s image or voice, in connection with the 2025 Spring Break College for Kids Program from March 24, 2025 to March 27, 2025 at Triton College.

I also authorize Triton College to distribute, exhibit, or cause to be distributed or exhibited, including by not limited to distribution to or exhibition on any broadcast medium, including but not limited to: cable TV, broadcast TV, satellite, broadcast radio, digital transmission and internet transmission, the above presentation at any time or place, without limitation and without my prior inspection or approval.

I waive all rights that I may have to any claims for payment, residualised payments or royalties in connection with any exhibition, distribution, broadcast, or any other showings of any kind of the above presentation at any time or place regardless of whether such exhibition distribution, broadcast or other showing is under educational, commercial, institutional, or private sponsorship, and regardless of whether a fee for admission or other rental is charged.

I have read this Consent and Release in its entirety and understand all of its terms. I have executed this instrument voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.

Scholarship Information

Youth & Family Services offer Financial Assistance Scholarships (FAS) for youth, to assist them in participating in activities and/or programs they are financially unable to access. Funds can be used for costs relating directly to registration and participant fees only. To see if you meet the eligibility requirements, please see Financial Assistance Scholarship (FAS) Request Form.

To be considered for a scholarship, please fill out the Financial Assistance Scholarship (FAS) Request Form and send the completed form to

For any questions, please call (708) 657-1790 or contact

Payment Information

A $50 registration fee is required at the time of registration for all participants, except for those who receive free or reduced lunch.

To submit your registration fee, please use the following link:


Once your registration fee has been processed you will be contacted with additional payment details, including your remaining balance due for the program.

Important: After completing your registration fee payment, please ensure you return to this page and submit this registration form in full. Your registration will not be finalized until both the fee and the form have been submitted.

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