
Whether your dream is to work as a commercial photographer or create works of art, Triton’s Digital Photography program explores how to visualize the world as a photographer. In this innovative program, you work with practicing artist-educators to explore critical issues in digital photography and develop tools and skills to express your personal vision through photo-based art. You will use the fundamentals of photography to improve your ability to take and share pictures in order to get the results you desire.

Throughout the program, you will learn how to create photographs that affect people, make them think, gain their interest, and touch their emotions. You will also create a photographic project that demonstrates your skills and can stand on its own as a portfolio, exhibition, job, or assignment. In addition, you will learn how to effectively manage the commercial business elements of the photography profession.

Career Opportunities

  • Fine art and documentary photography
  • Journalism
  • Publishing
  • Photo web design
  • video and photo production