July 8, 2019

New grants mean expanded services for Triton students and community member

From new partnerships that will help people get good jobs – to summer camps that will inspire young students, new grant funding will allow Triton College to serve our communities in new and exciting ways. Triton recently received four grants totaling more than a quarter million dollars, which will allow students and community members to take advantage of new or expanded programs and services. 

Highlights of the awards:

  • AmeriCorps State Grant ($179,131)

This grant will allow more than 70 volunteers to provide mentoring, coaching and tutoring to low-income students. The program is designed to increase retention rates for these students. Funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service and the Illinois Department of Public Health.

For more information on AmeriCorps programs at Triton College, call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3598, or email rachelgiovenco@triton.edu.

  • CareeReady Program Enhancement Grant ($75,000)

English language learners will receive additional instruction to prepare for the Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL), one of the most commonly used tests to assess English language proficiency among non-native speakers. Students will also benefit from the ‘Business English’ component, which focuses on task-based and skills-based activities to help them develop oral and written fluency, which will help them gain employment. Students will also receive in-depth career coaching that will help them develop resumes and cover letters, as well as improve job search and interview skills. Funded by the Illinois Community College Board’s Innovative Bridge and Transitions Program.

For more information on the Innovative Bridge and Transitions Program, and services available through Triton’s School of Adult Education, call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3259, email adulteducation@triton.edu or visit Room A-205located in the Learning Resource Center (A Building).

  • Illinois Cooperative Work Study Program, Right Paths for Students Today ($15,895)

Students will start their careers on the right track thanks to this initiative in which Triton College will cultivate relationships with local businesses in growing and in-demand industries. Students will be placed in paid internships with employers that offer strong salaries, projected sustainable growth, and alignment with the curriculum and culture offered at Triton College. Local opportunities are most abundant in the industry sectors of hospitality, engineering, business and information technology. Funded by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

For more information on this program and services available through Triton’s Career Services Department, call (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3619, email careerservices@triton.edu or visit Room A-204 located in the Learning Resource Center (A Building).

  • GADgET and GLOW Summer Camp Programs ($5,000)

A pair of summer camps will provide female students of middle and high school age with an up close feel for many of the opportunities available to them in the typically male dominated STEM fields. Camp GADgET (Girls Adventuring in Design, Engineering and Technology) introduces participants to the world of manufacturing though hands-on projects and site visits to local women-owned manufacturing facilities.

New this summer, GLOW (Girls Learning to Weld) will spark creativity and build skills as campers try their hand at welding. Both camps are delivered by female faculty members of Triton’s Engineering Technology Program with the help of peer and college-aged female mentors. Funded by the Nicor Gas Foundation.

For more information on GADgET, GLOW and other youth camps and programs available at Triton College, call the School of Continuing Education at (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3500, email askce@triton.edu or visit Room A-201 located in the Learning Resource Center (A Building).