September 27, 2019

Senior Citizen Law Enforcement Academy comes to Triton

Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart and Triton’s RSVP Volunteer Program invite all west suburban senior citizens interested in law enforcement and crime awareness issues to enroll in the Senior Citizen Law Enforcement Academy to be held at Triton College in the Robert M. Collins Center beginning Monday, Oct. 21.

The Sheriff’s Office designed the program to open the lines of communication between senior citizens and law enforcement officials. Participants will gain a better understanding of the responsibilities and duties of law enforcement officials as well as receive advice on personal safety and crime prevention.

“Seniors of today are active, educated and concerned, and in my opinion, are one of our country’s greatest resources,” Dart said. “This program will attempt to unite the senior citizen community more closely with law enforcement for our mutual benefit.”

Dart’s top staff members will conduct the six-session academy. Each speaker provides pertinent information on an array of topics, including crimes against seniors, gang and drug awareness, understanding the role of the sheriff in the criminal justice system, overview of alternative sentencing programs and functions of the Cook County Jail.

The academy classes meet Mondays from 10 a.m. to noon through Dec. 2 when all participants will be presented with certificates of completion and honored at a graduation ceremony and reception.

The program is free of charge to all senior citizens living in Cook County, but does require a registration. For more information on the program or to register for the Senior Citizen Law Enforcement Academy at Triton, call the RSVP Office at (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3603.