September 27, 2019

Triton College now accepting nominations for the 2020 Alumni Wall of Fame

The 2019 Triton College Wall of Fame inductees were honored during a ceremony last spring. Nominations for the 2020 Wall of Fame Class must be submitted by Nov. 1, 2019.

Triton College alumni and community members are invited to nominate distinguished Triton alumni for the college’s annual Alumni Wall of Fame induction and ceremony. The Wall of Fame, prominently displayed on the first floor of the Triton College Student Center (B Building), recognizes notable people who have attended Triton. Inductees demonstrate both academic and career success, hold leadership roles in their chosen fields, and have had a positive impact on their communities.

Past Wall of Fame inductees have included former and current elected officials, community servants, educators, business leaders and others who have made profound impacts on their communities. The inductees have used the foundation of their Triton College education to carry out the institution’s mission of valuing the individual, educating and serving the community.   

Nominations for the 2020 Wall of Fame inductee class are currently being accepted. To complete a nomination form and get more information about the nomination process and criteria, please visit and click on “Alumni Wall of Fame.” Nominations must be submitted by Monday Nov. 11 to be considered. The selected honorees will be inducted during a ceremony in early 2020.

For more information, please contact Alumni Relations at (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3205, or email