
We look forward to seeing you at Triton College this semester! Be sure to read these important reminders before coming to campus:

Important Reminders:

Have you uploaded your vaccination card?

If not, remember to test weekly and upload your results! All students and employees need to provide proof of being fully vaccinated or take weekly COVID-19 testing. This is a State of Illinois mandate for everyone attending in-person classes or working on campus.

Triton is enforcing this mandate regularly throughout the semester because this is an ongoing requirement.

Upload Your Vaccination Card


Upload Test Results Every Week

Check your Triton email for your personal link from CLEARED4 and follow instructions on the screen. If you need help, email cleared4@triton.edu.

You can also email your vaccination card to cleared4@triton.edu.

Lost your vaccination card? The Illinois Department of Public Health allows Illinois residents to access their vaccination records through the Vax Verify Portal.


If you don’t upload your vaccination card, you need to test every week.

1. Free COVID testing is provided on campus. SHIELD saliva-based testing is available in
T-156 during the following days and times:
        Mon, Thurs & Fri: 7-11:30 a.m.
        Tues and Wed: 1-7 p.m.

2. You must create an account and make an appointment at the link below. Please remember that you cannot eat or drink one hour before the test (this includes gum, mints and even water).
     Website: shieldilportal.pointnclick.com
     Agency Code: fe06l7tp

3. Please copy and paste the agency code when creating the account (instead of just typing it in) to avoid any issues with the SHIELD portal site.

4. Upload your weekly test results to Cleared4. Records of weekly testing will be sent to you and the Director of Health Services Laura Hill at laurahill@triton.edu. The director will reach out to others as needed to conduct contact tracing.

Use the Daily Symptom Checker

Wear a Mask/Face Covering

For more support, please see the FAQs below.


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CLEARED4 Information


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Campus Safety Guide

Health and safety is the top priority of Triton College. Click HERE for an overview of our campus requirements and resources.

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Free COVID-19 Screening

Watch this video for information on Triton's free COVID-19 screening.

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Reporting a Case of COVID-19

If you have tested positive for COVID-19, you must contact your instructor(s) and send an email to the Director of Health Services, Laura Hill at laurahill@triton.edu. Please do not come to campus.

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