College Readiness RHT-099 HS Application

If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact your high school counselor.

* = required

Student Information

High School Information

Citizenship Information

Non-Citizen: Status Indentified Instructions

Non-citizen: status identified - this should only be checked if you can answer "yes" to all of the following questions:

  • Did/will you graduate from an Illinois high school or attain a GED in Illinois?
  • Did/will you attend a school in Illinois for at least 3 years during K-12?
  • Did/will you live with your parents while you attend(ed) school in Illinois?

U.S. Permanent Resident Instructions

Provide additional information if U.S. Permanent resident is checked:

  • Country of origin
  • Alien registration number


International Citizen Instructions

Provide additional information if International is checked:

  • Country of origin
  • Visa category

About Me


NOTE: This information is requested solely for the purpose of determining compliance with federal civil rights law, and your response will not affect consideration of your application. By providing this information, you will assist us in assuring that this program is administerd in a non-discriminatory manner.

Parent/Guardian Verification

Note: Parent/Guardian consent required for completion and successful submission of application.

I, the parent/guardian of the listed student verify my consent to their participation in the College Readiness program for High School students at Triton College.



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