Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Krolikowski, Maciej | Engineering Technology | maciejkrolikowski@triton.edu | |
Kroll, Jennifer | Engineering Technology | jenniferkroll@triton.edu | |
Kruczek, Doug | Continuing Education | dougkruczek@triton.edu | 6677 |
Kruszynska-Piper, Magdalena | Engineering Technology | magdalenapiper@triton.edu | |
Krzykowska, Dorota | Advising | dorotakrzykowska@triton.edu | 3593 |
Kubiszyn, John | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | johnkubiszyn@triton.edu | |
Kusak, John | Operations and Maintenance | johnkusak@triton.edu | 3566 |
Kuzmenko, Rita | Adult Education | ritakuzmenko@triton.edu | 3331 |
Kwan, Anna | English Department | annakwan@triton.edu | |
La Rosa, Myrna | Math | myrnalarosa@triton.edu | 3729 |
Lacey, Jerome | Social Science | jeromelacey@triton.edu | |
LaGioia, Felicia | Financial Aid | felicialagioia@triton.edu | 3741 |
Lam, George | Social Science | georgelam@triton.edu | 3993 |
Lamantia, Giana | Child Development Center | gianalamantia@triton.edu | |
Lambrecht, John | Operations and Maintenance | johnlambrecht@triton.edu | 3048 |
Lang, Taylor | Athletics | taylorlang@triton.edu | |
Lara, Jacqueline | Athletics | jacquelinelara@triton.edu | |
Larem, Timothy | Business | timlarem@triton.edu | |
Laskowski, Amanda | Marketing | amandalaskowski@triton.edu | 3167 |
Lau, Sum | Finance | sumlau@triton.edu | 3541 |
Lee, Jun Yeon | Social Science | junyeonlee@triton.edu | |
Lee, Kara | Continuing Education | karalee@triton.edu | |
Lee, Kelly | Respiratory Care | kellylee@triton.edu | 3759 |
Leiser, Jeffrey | Emergency Medical Technician | jeffreyleiser@triton.edu | |
Lejeck, Judith | Adult Education | judithlejeck@triton.edu | |
Lemberg, Jason | Academic Success Center | jasonlemberg@triton.edu | 3125 |
Leonard, Kevin | Visual Communication/Graphics | kevinleonard@triton.edu | |
Lewis, Colette | Student Services | colettelewis@triton.edu | |
Lilly, Tina | Business Services | tinalilly@triton.edu | 3062 |
Lind, George | Continuing Education | georgelind@triton.edu | |
Linden, Robert | Visual Communication/Graphics | robertlinden@triton.edu | |
Linderman, Jennifer | Financial Aid | jenniferlinderman@triton.edu | 3465 |
Lindsey Smith, Katherine | Human Resources | katherinelindseysmit@triton.edu | |
Lisec, Alec | Architecture | aleclisec@triton.edu | 3049 |
Lizcano, Jennifer | Admissions and Records | jenniferlizcano@triton.edu | 3722 |
LoBianco-Bartalis, Jill | Visual Communication/Graphics | jilllobianco-bartali@triton.edu | 3528 |
Long, Kelvin | Continuing Education | kelvinlong@triton.edu | |
Longhi, Louis | Automotive | louielonghi@triton.edu | 3547 |
Lopez, Adriana | Athletics | adrianalopez@triton.edu | |
Lopez, Jesus | Workforce Equity Initiative | jesuslopez4@triton.edu | 3151 |
Lopinto, Andrew | Behavioral Science | andrewlopinto@triton.edu | |
Loucks, Mel | Arts and Sciences | melloucks@triton.edu | 3958 |
Love, Lakedra | Scheduling | lakedralove@triton.edu | 3011 |
Lozano, J | Operations and Maintenance | jlozano@triton.edu | 3210 |
Lozano, Martin | Athletics | martinlozano@triton.edu | |
Lum, Guy | Athletics | guylum@triton.edu | 3779 |
Lupu, Stephanie | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | stephanielupu@triton.edu | |
Lusa, Holly | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | hollylusa@triton.edu | |
Lynch, Kelli | Arts and Sciences | kellilynch@triton.edu | 3462 |
Lyons, William | Criminal Justice | williamlyons@triton.edu |