Ultra provides a new, modern course view with a cleaner, streamlined, more accessible, and intuitive interface with easy-to-use workflows.
How do I learn more about Ultra?
All faculty have access to the Ultra Teaching Essentials tutorial on Blackboard. You will find this tutorial helpful in learning more about the Ultra platform as it covers topics such as building courses and navigating an Ultra site. Faculty are also encouraged to visit the Anthology Website to learn more about Ultra.
How do I access Blackboard Ultra from my mobile device?
You can access Ultra by downloading the Blackboard Learn App
What is the process for updating and converting the co-owned developed online courses?
The co-owned updated courses will be reviewed based on the Blackboard Exemplary Course Rubric. The faculty (the original developer of the course) will be compensated $700 for updating a co-owned course. For any faculty member interested in updating an existing co-owned online course or selling their current, converted Ultra course shell, please contact your dean to let them know of your interest.
Even though we won't be able to deploy our courses in the Original view starting Spring 2024 semester, will we still have access to our archived courses in the classic view so that we may copy them in the Ultra view?
Yes, faculty will have access to previous material currently up to 4 years.
How can I save the content from my original courses?
The best way to save old course shells for reference after they have been deleted is to export courses and save them where you want.