Operational Assembly


To build consensus on issues related to institutional operations such as campus operations, facilities, and student services, as well as assist in coordinating work of represented areas by ensuring cross communication at monthly meetings and to monitor and provide support for strategic plan and Higher Learning Commission matters as they relate to the represented areas in the Operational Assembly

FY 2024 Goals

  • Lead the process design for automating degree completion
  • Facilitate the implementation of relevant College Council recommendations relating to improving the student experience on campus
  • Assist in emerging infrastructure upgrades and institutional compliance, as applicable


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Operational Assembly Members

AreaNameTitleE-MailPhone Ext.
Operational Assembly Chair
and Student Affairs Representative
Hilary Meyer Dean of Academic Success hilarymeyer@triton.edu 3747
Academic Affairs Representative Katie Rullo Associate Dean, School of Continuing Education katierullo@triton.edu 3708
Business and Facilities Committee Colleen Rockafellow AVP, Business Operations colleenrockafellow@triton.edu 3574
DEI Representative

Purva DeVol

AVP, Institutional Advancement

purvadevol@triton.edu  3434
Guided Pathways Representative Shelley Tiwari Director, Faculty Development and Student Success shelleytiwari@triton.edu 3761
Human Resources Committee Joe Klinger AVP, Human Resources joeklinger@triton.edu 3743
Research Representative Kurian Tharakunnel

Exec. Director, Research and
Institutional Effectiveness

kuriantharakunnel@triton.edu 3635
Technology Representative Michael Garrity AVP, Information Systems michaelgarrity@triton.edu 3684
Student Representative Journey Manuel TCSA President journeymanuel@triton.edu  

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Operational Assembly Meeting Schedule

All regular Operational Assembly meetings for FY25 will take place on Mondays, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., in the Library Upper Commons, unless noted otherwise on the agenda.









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